I can't let this day pass without posting these super delish lunch I prepared for myself.
I'm trying my best to eat healthy. I never liked vegetables but now I try to incorporate
salad to my meals. Good thing my brother sent some super delicious salad dressing.
And of course my favorite dessert is chocolate cinnamon. I baked them myself and just saved
some in the ref and just heat them. Bon Appetit!

Super Late Post, Chinese New Year Food!!

To prove to you how busy I am it took me more than a month to post these photos of what we prepared for our Chinese New Year celebration. It was just simple but all the traditional food that never missed our table every year. As far as I can remember our celebration when we were still young was so lavish and food was abundant. Now, it's our turn to prepare for our family's yearly celebration. Měiwèi 美味